Sunday, March 30, 2014

Reading Log #5 : Intensity by Dean Koontz

Intensity by Dean Koontz                                                                                         March 30, 2014


Plot Summary

Chyna Shepard is a college student visiting the family of her friend, Laura Templeton, for a long weekend. Chyna, who was abused and neglected by her mother as a child, finds the Templeton house provides something she has yearned: acceptance. This comes to a violent end when Edgler Vess, a serial killer, breaks into the house in the night and methodically kills all of the occupants except Laura and Chyna.

Chyna hides from him under her bed and waits until he goes downstairs. She searches the house and finds Laura's father shot and tied to a toilet seat, and the mother stabbed to death in the shower. Chyna encounters Vess on the stairs eating a spider before she sneaks into Laura's room. She finds Laura tied up and raped. Chyna sneaks away, promising to return. Before she can intervene, Vess kills Laura and takes her to his motor home. Chyna hears Laura screaming and runs upstairs intending to attack Vess with a knife. 
Unaware Laura is dead, Chyna sneaks aboard the motor home and finds her friend's corpse. Before she can escape, Vess drives away. Chyna hides in a back room, planning to escape at the earliest opportunity. When he stops at a gas station, she sneaks out of the motor home, and heads inside the gas station to find a phone. Chyna surreptitiously watches Vess boast to the gas station clerks that he is holding a young girl, Ariel, prisoner in his basement, before he kills them and drives away. Chyna feels compelled to follow Vess and help free the girl. She takes an attendant's car, and follows Vess. Chyna passes Vess while traveling through a state park and crashes her car into a redwood tree. While Vess gets out to investigate, Chyna sneaks on board the motor home.

By the time Vess reaches his house, he has discovered that Chyna is on board. Fascinated, he decides not to kill her immediately to see what she will do. Chyna breaks into his house and goes into the basement to find Ariel, locked in a room and catatonic. Before she can free Ariel, Vess attacks Chyna in the kitchen, punching her unconscious before binding her with a chain in the kitchen. He taunts her for a while, revealing details about his past and past crimes. Obsessed with the "intensity" of any particular experience, sensory and existential, Vess styles himself as a "homicidal adventurer", and has killed continually since childhood. He offers to allow Chyna to live if she aids him in mentally torturing Ariel out of her catatonia. 
Then, Vess leaves for work. Chyna escapes from her chains by breaking away from the table to which she is chained and slamming her chair into a wall. She releases Ariel from her prison. Vess has trained a pack of deadly Dobberman to guard his property and kill anyone attempting to get in or out. Chyna dresses in Vess's dog-training clothing and sprays ammonia on the dogs to get through the dogs and into the motor home. She and Ariel exit the house, and take a vehicle. Chyna sees a police car on the road, so she pulls over to signal it, only to discover that the driver is Vess, the local "county sheriff". 

In the ensuing showdown, she rams his police car, soaking him and the highway with gasoline, though this fails to kill him as he escapes his car and uses a shotgun to disable the motor home, causing it to tip over. Chyna and Ariel escape the crippled wreck but Vess catches up to them and knocks Chyna to the ground but Ariel continues on, distracting Vess long enough for Chyna to get a lighter she'd grabbed at the gas station. She uses it to ignite the gas covering Vess and the highway before rolling to safety. She catches up to Ariel and watches as Vess meets his end in the flames. They are then rescued by a passing motorist.
A few months later Chyna adopts Ariel, who has begun to speak in small phrases and meets a man who she falls in love with.

Part 1

This book is well written, I'm sure. From the moment I started reading it I felt sick to my stomach from the overly detailed homicidal and torturous events, but also I could not stop reading it because the author held a small hope of the heroine doing some lasting good by helping the 16-year-old girl who was locked in this crazy bastard's basement.
After reading this book, I was amazed by Chyna’s braveness. Even though at first she loses her strength because of the death of her bestfriend Laura and Laura’s Mom and Dad who accepted her as a part of their family. Amazed, because it is not easy to save a 16yearsold girl who was kidnapped by a sociopath. I was also amazed by the way Koontz write his novel, for example Koontz is not using clichés but he make his own.

All in all this book made me cry in the end. The book starts off amazing, and that is how it continues and finishes. I couldn’t put this book down, I'd read before going to bed and the first thing I'd do when I woke up was pick up that same damn book again, eager to find out what happened next. The plot is fast paced, INTENSE and emotional. The main character, no matter how damaged by her horrifying future or dark past, always has hope and determination. The book is told from two perspectives: the heroines and the villains, which helps to understand the mentality of both and fills in spaces that would have otherwise been gaps if just left to one perspective, such as when one is hiding somewhere, what is the other one doing? Have they realized they're not alone, or are they just going about their business? This is another great book if you want something that leaves you with your face practically buried in the pages with your hands white from gripping the book, and a headache from shouting 'RUN!! GET OUT OF THERE!!' repeatedly in your head. It also has a likable villain, which I don’t find as often as Id like. What can I say, the man amuses me :) 

For a book that doesn’t have many plot twists and is straight forward, it is extremely well written and addictive. I like a lot of twists in books, but this one has made up for the lack of twists with emotion and intensity, bringing it right up there with my other favorite books.

Having a friend that treats you like a sister is one of the best feelings you can ever have. Also with the addition of the Mom and Dad who also accept you as one of the part of the family. When I read the part where Chyna and Laura having there way to Laura’s house something crossed my mind, I’ve also experienced that thing with my bestfriend. My bestfriend treat me as her sister and so I, also her family treat me one of their daughter. It feels great when someone accept you as a part of the family even if you’re not related by blood or name. That’s why I was shocked and also cried when Laura and Laura’s Family was murdered. Even if I , I don’t want it to happen to my bestfriend’s or anybody.
I wonder what if Chyna didn’t ever think about saving Ariel? Is she going to live after that horrifying night? I wonder what id Laura didn’t die ? Is she going to be also one of Vess’s victim ?
If Ariel was not able to save by Chyna ? is she going to die like what Vess did to others ? Is she going to have a great life with Chyna ?

Maybe after Chyna saved Ariel, Ariel will be having an extraordinary life and will live happy with Chyna. Maybe there will be no longer showing of Vess so that Chyna and Ariel will have a peaceful life.

Part 2. Entry #16

My name is Elaiza Tero and I am a Newspaper reporter, and I’m here to interview Chyna Shepard a survivor of unexpectected torturous crime.

 Elaiza :“Good morning Ms. Shepard I am here to ask you some questions. First I would like to ask you. What did you feel when you saw a man standing in your door’s room?”

Chyna : “At first I had a bad feeling that this guys is not a part of Laura’s Family, because first I know who’s Laura’s brother, or father or either the gardener. He really isn’t a part of the family and I have an instinct that he is murderer or a killer!”

Elaiza : “What did you feel when you found the corpse of Laura’s Mother and Father?”

Chyna : “I feel like I was dying too. Seeing this good person in front of me lying without giving any signs that they are still alive, it’s like the world stop for a moment. It took time for me to realize that they were both die and killed by that sociopath Vess! And after that Laura came next to my mind. The feeling of awakened by a dream, I rush to Laura and find her in her room but I didn’t.”

Elaiza :” What did you feel when you saw Laura?”
Chyna : “First I feel that I am still lucky, lucky that I saw Laura alive. But then she was killed by Vess and I was like shocked and got angry, angry because Laura is my best friend, my sister, my family, and she’s my everything, I was angry because I also wanted to take revenge, to kill Vess to get back what he took from me! To have the justice for the deaths of the Templeton Family. But still I was scared. Scared that in the end Vess’ll also kill me!”

Elaiza: When you heard about Ariel, the girl whom you saved from Vess. What’s the first that came to your mind?”

Chyna : “First I didn’t believe that Ariel exist, that she really is a hostage of Vess, but after seeing her picture in the table. My braveness swallowed me. And that made me think that when I save Ariel I can also save my life, I didn’t think what would happen when I save Ariel from Vess. I only think that when I save Ariel I can save a life.”

Elaiza : “Do you think that if you didn’t save Ariel, is she going to live with Vess, or Vess would also kill her?”

Chyna: “I never think that Ariel would live longer with Vess, I think that Vess would also kill her. But after getting all he wanted to Ariel.”

Elaiza : “Now that Ariel is in your hands, what can you promise to her?”

Chyna : “I can promise, that she’ll live happily with me, with her new mate. I will treat her as my daughter and I promise to love her with all my heart. I promise that no one could ever hurt her anymore, no more Vess, no more sociopaths, no more hurting.”

Elaiza : “Thankyou Ms. Chyna. Thankyou for you time.”

Chyna: “Thankyou!.”