Sunday, October 19, 2014

THE BOOK EARTHWORM BOOK5 - For One More Day by Mitch Albom

(Elaiza Tero) I was assigned to characterized the major characters of the book For One More Day by Mitch Albom
Charles “Chick” Benetto – the protagonist and from the point of view of the unnamed narrator comes to his point of view narrating his life. Charles or Chick was a baseball player and said to be a strong, cocky athlete, muscular and tall; a good looking guy. He was a Papa’s when his father was still living with them. Chick grew up with his mother and sister, and for a long time his longed for a fatherly love. He married Catherine and they had a daughter named Maria. Chick was a depressed man and tried to kill himself, and run away finding himself back to his oldhouse, there he had an hallucination seeing again his mother and by that Chick knew the things he haven’t knew when he’s still young, there he also realized that taking for granted his Mom’s love is one of the biggest mistakes he made in his life.
Pauline “Posey” Benneto- The mother of Chick, described as a beautiful woman *according to Chick) had large, almond-shaped eyes, dark and creamy complexion, indeed a very attractive and candid woman. After her husband left them, she worked as a hairdresser to support her family. In the novel you can see that Posey had been a good mother to Chick and Roberta, she only wanted her son and daughter the good for them. She died because of a heart attack. And even if she’s already dead, Chick’s memories of her, helped Chick to realize the things he made.
Leonard “Len” Benetto – The father of Chick, and was said to be Chick’s great sportsbuddy partner. He was a perfectionist father, he wanted to make decisions out of his wife’s permission, and because of that they divorced and that causes Chick to grew up without a father.
Roberta Benetto- Chick’s sister. She was described as a lovely girl and a Mama’s girl. At her young age, she understands her family’s great dilemma starting when their father left them.
Catherine- Chick’s wife, they had a daughter named Maria, and her relationship with Chick didn’t work for a long time and Chick decided to end up their relationship.
Maria- The daughter of Chick, it was revealed in the end that she was the narrator of the first part and last part of the novel.

Discussion Director, Ryan Catanio
Why do you think Chick tried to commit suicide? Was it for his ruined life, or was there something else behind it?
No, we think that it was because of his ruined life and there is nothing else. Because when we say there was something else behind it, then what else could it be? There is nothing else. Chick, we think, wanted to end-up his life because of his ruined life. His daughter didn’t even invite him to her wedding, he was divorced to his wife, he got no friend and he got no life at all. So, what else could it be?
What if Chick didn’t commit suicide? Would it change his life, or just remain the same?
No, it would just remain the same. Because at first, we agreed that, it was his death that changes his current fate. In his death, he had given a chance to change his mistake, where he succeeds. He changes his fate, he was reunited to his family and her daughter recognized him again. He was forgiven by the others and he forgave himself also. But now, what if he didn’t commit suicide? We think that his fate and life would not change, it would still be ruined. He will continue his life, with the same routine as he was used to be. Then, he will die without reuniting to his family.
In the end of the story, it was revealed that the narrator is actually the daughter of Chick, so, how do you feel about it?
We feel actually shock but excited, though we also feel sad, because it is in the ending part where the narrator revealed her identity. We feel sympathy toward the narrator, because her father died with that kind of life but we also feel happy, because her father find a way to make them reunite and to be forgiven and the narrator also forgave herself for what she did to her father.
What if the narrator is another person? Would the ending have the same effect as the narrator is Chick’s daughter, or would it be different?
No, it would be different and not as great as it will be when the narrator is Chick’s daughter. Because, we think that the revelation of the narrator’s identity, somehow adds a big drama to the whole story.
Is it possible to have the same event, where in your death you have given a chance to change your greatest mistake?
Maybe yes, maybe no. Half of our group did not say yes, because of the fact that the book is only fiction, and there is no factual evidence that could provide that this kind of even can possible be happen. But some of us did say yes, including me. Because we believe that God (thought God was not mentioned in the story) will find a way to for you to have a chance to change your fate and to make the right things out of your mistakes. Maybe not on death, but on our daily lives. We made mistake and we take times making it, but God also given us time to change it; to make the wrong things right.
As the passage picker, I picked this passage/conversation of Charley and her mother Posey.
"You should have had more dinner." she said.
I rolled my eyes “Come on”
“What? I like knowing you’ve eaten, that’s all. You have to take care of yourself Charley.”
I wish we’d done this before, Mom, you know?”
“You mean before I died?”
My voice went timid. “Yeah”
“I was here”
“I know”
“You were busy”
I would’nt like to have this kind of conversation someday. Aside from the reason that I would be afraid, that someday I’ll be just talking to myself alone and have an imaginary conversation with my mom, Hohoho I think that’s quite horrible, but I think its okay? maybe super okay? However, the conversation actually tells us of Charley’s regret of rejecting his mother for some of her mothers doings unto him. He also close his mind and did’nt listen of some of what his mother is telling him. He just blamed of what happened to his earlier life to his mother. And that is what he regret most.
My mother also lacked her attention to us. I had also many questions before. Its too many too mention the questions. Although I did’nt got all the answers of it, I still did’nt think of bad things to my mother. The thought is that she’s still the one who carried me for nine months on her womb and bore me. Somehow she took care of me when I was young (I said somehow, because as what I’ve said, she lacked her attention on us). Actually my mom is not present at this very moment. She’s not with us. Nonetheless, I just want to figure out, how my mother is very important for me. After my father’s death, all I wanted is just to be with my mother always. I wanted to be at her side. Although I did’nt regret on my father’s death, I just really wanted to express what love I have for my mother. Actually I am ashamed sometimes of expressing it to my mom, but what’s in my mind is that, will I express my love for my mom when she’s already gone? No way. That is why, eventhough that she’s afar from me, I am trying my best and make time to communicate with her, to share how am I doing at school, to share all those failed exam scores and indeed, my mother is really the one, who made me strong and still go on. She advices me to take care of myself and not mind of those scores, for those scores will just let me have headache and heartache, how caring.
So that’s it! Let us not wait for the time, because now is the time. Let us not hesitate to express our feelings to our parents. I know how it feels that its quite shameful, but let us just have it this way: Just imagine yourself being a parent someday. What would you feel if your children will share or open up something on you? How does it feel?
You know, our parents are just waiting on us. They are always there for us and they will never leave us.
Jermaine Dela Cruz is the summarizer for this book.
“This is a story about a family, and as there is a ghost involved, you might call it a ghost story.  But every family is a ghost story.  The dead sit at our tables long after they have gone.”
This seemingly haunted story, as it was constructed as apparitions experienced by the protagonist, the novel begins with the introduction of the narrator to be believed by the readers as Chick Benetto, the protagonist in the novel as it was his own perspective.
Chick’s narrative begins with a description of his attempted suicide, due to the mail containing a photograph of his daughter’s wedding - a wedding to which he wasn’t invited. Chick sees it as a disappointment to his ego as a failure to his fatherhood. He prepares to kill himself, and then sets off on one last journey to the small California town where he grew up. As he nears the town he rolls his car in an attempt to avoid collision with a transport truck, but survives. Unknowingly, he experiences a near-death experience. He walks into town, climbs the same water tower he climbed as a child, and jumps off in another attempt to kill himself. He survives the fall and awakens to see his long dead mother standing over him.
Chick walks into town, not believing what’s happening is real but continues to go thru it. He arrives at his childhood home, discovers that his mother is there, and sits down to the breakfast she prepares, still disbelieving but thankful for “one more day” with his mother. At first everything seems incredibly normal: his mother chatting with her friends, as she always was and doing all stuffs she used to be doing when she was alive.
Throughout the conversation he goes back and forth between the one last day he had with his mother and the important events in his life, sharing his feelings– both past and present– about them. His recollections of his past, which focus on his increasingly desperate attempts to engage his father in an affectionate, open relationship are, in turn, focused on baseball, which Chick’s father wants him to play professionally. As a young boy Charley Benetto makes the choice to be a daddy’s boy and does everything his father asks him to.  Then his father disappears, leaving a broken family and an embarrassing situation for the young Charley to endure.  Being raised by a single mother has its challenges and plenty of embarrassment; many that Charley takes out on his mother.
This experience is sometimes interrupted by a male voice coming from Chick knows-nowhere. The climax is when Posey takes Chick to visit his father’s other wife, and Chick is brought back to the world of the living by a young ambulance attendant who is actually the source of the voice heard throughout the novel. With this experience, he realizes the importance of having good relationship between parents and their children.
In an epilogue listing evidence that suggests Chick’s story is true, it is also revealed to the readers that the narrator is in fact Chick’s long-estranged daughter Maria, whose narration seems to be an embodiment of one of the novel’s key themes. Chick died about five years after his near-death experience.
-Nice job Bai!

Ronald Surilla  our Artistic Adventurer. :D
A Son’s Love
The wounds lies in your stomach
was served as my first shelter
there was food and cover
as I sleep comfortably from your pocket
Through pain I was deliver
as both tears shed that day
the moment I was given to my receiver
your warmth arms indeed I lay
Your love is exceptional and true
but my response are forced and few
for I was shy of my feelings
especially in times of my beatings
Sorry for making myself clever
all I want to say is I love you my mother.

-srsly Ron? HAHAHA Nice poem bru! 

Arjun Dango as the connector
Since the story is about the strong bond of connections of the parents and their child, I can connect and relate this story to the story of my uncle and his daughter.
Let me first tell the story of my uncle, Ramil, and my cousin Mimi. Since birth, Mimi suffers from a disorder which I forgot what it is called, and my uncle gives more attention to Mimi because of her condition. There are certain words that I cannot forget what he said to his wife, “If I will die first before Mimi, I’ll get her because I don’t want her to suffer from her condition.” After months or a year, he died because of heart attack. At his burial, my cousin told my aunt that he was there, watching over Mimi. Months or a year after that incident, Mimi died because of multiple organ failure in the age of 5. At her burial, again, my cousin saw my uncle, but this time, he’s with Mimi now. He said that Mimi grew very beautiful and normal, very different from her condition while she was alive.
We can see the sense of connections of those who were alive and already dead, how the dead show their care to their love ones in the living world, and how the living misses their late love ones. It may sound strange, but we are influenced by the words of those who passed away and never forget what always tell us. Like for Chick Benetto, he was still pursuing his father’s dream for him. And in Seungri’s character in Angel Eyes, he bought her grandmother new undergarment when he got his fist salary. Whatever misfortunes we encounter in our life, merriments or not, let’s always remember that our parents are always there for us even if they’re gone. 
-Good job J!

Hara Vessa Escabarte as the Vocabulary Enricher.
Inexorably – (adj.) impossible to stop or prevent: the seemingly inexorable march of new technology: not able to be stopped or changed, not to be persuaded, moved or stopped: relentless.
One day can bend your life, and that day seemed to bend mine inexorably downward. (P.6)
Ricochet – (n.) a glancing rebound (as a projectile of flat surface); also an object that ricochets.
“I don’t know, Chick, It’s like a ricochet.” (P.23)

Apparition (n.) – a ghost or spirit of a dead person.

I couldn’t tell at that point who or what Rose was. An apparition? A real person? Her house felt real enough. (P. 41)
Admonished (v.) - to indicate duties or obligations; to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest or solicitous manner.
We sat there, admonished, lowering our heads to the obligatory level for penance. (P.48)

Mimicked (adj.) a person who copies someone’s behavior in speech especially for humor
I mimicked his deep, smoky laugh. (p. 13)
Maneuvered (v.) – to move something in a careful and usually a skillful way. (p.4)
To do something in an effort to get an advantage, get out of a difficult situation. (p.53)
As I stood at the backstop, my finger curled in the chain-link fence, an old man maneuvered a lawn mower over the grass. (p. 4)
I instinctively jerked away from my mother. “’Scuse please.” One of them said as ther maneuvered around us. (p.53)

Grimaced (n)- a facial reaction in which your mouth and face are twisted in a way that shows disgust, disapproval or pain. (p.27 & 53)
,.. and she grimaced at the cuts and mumbled … (p.27)
She grimaced as if a pain were passing through her. (p. 54)

Inadvertently (adj.) Not intended or not planned
She also, inadvertently, invented my nickname. (p. 57)
Prophecies (n) - an inspired utterance of a prophet, a statement that something will happen in the future.
After the war, my father, who owned a liquor store, was more interested in profits than prophecies.
Fugitive (n) – a person who flees or tries to escape; something elusive or hard to find
Now I walked toward that house with my back hunched like a fugitive. (p. 21)
I keep that light on my mother and I see her posture change, her head drops back, her shoulders slump, like a fugitive Santa caught by the cops. (p. 40)

Prerogative (n) - a right or privilege; a special right or privileged that some people have.
“Oh, a woman’s prerogative, I guess.” (p.74)
Ornery (adj.) – easily annoyed or angered; having an irritable disposition
I grew ornery and distant. (P. 7)
Taunt (n.) – a sarcastic challenge or insult (p. 8)
It seemed to taunt my absence.

Blundering (v.) – to make a stupid or careless mistake.
When he went blundering back to God, …. (p. 8)
Blundering back to God. (p. 10)
Devoid (adj.) – being without a usual, typical, or being expected attribute or accompaniment
I was a zombie, a robot, devoid of concern for anyone, myself included myself, actually, at the top of the list. (P.12)
As the vocabulary enricher of the group, based on the level of the words that was written above, the author’s purpose in using these highlighted words, is to inculcate unto our mind that these are used to fit in the idea of the author, it is most likely the very appropriate words that could be used to complete his thoughts that he wanted to express, it is also to covey vivid descriptions in dealing with the book that could help his readers to enhance their vocabulary. 

-Thanks for the new words lovess. Good job!

THE BOOK EARTHWORM LITERARY CIRCLE BOOK4- Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

Artistic Adventurer (Elaiza Tero)
I was tasked to be the Artistic Adventurer of the book Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. I really want to draw or to paint a picture of Morrie with Mitch, but I can’t , and that made me think that my groupmates will get disappointed with my work, so I just searched for a photo in the internet and edited it.

Literary Circle Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom Book #4
Discussion Director  (Arjun Dango)
1. Though we all know that Morrie is going to die in the story, still, what did you feel when the doctor said to Morrie that he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?
-we all have an idea that Morrie will die in the story but as the story progresses, we found out what’s the reason of his death, and that is A.L.S. We felt sad about it but Morrie accepted his condition and about his death. We all just hope that scientists and doctors will finally find cure to those who have the same condition with Morrie.

2. If you were Morrie, would you wither up and disappear, or would you make the best of your life?
-just like Morrie, all of us in our group agreed that we would make the best of our lives and came up with same thought that if you knew that you are going to die you should not waste your time sitting and think miserably, instead, make way to spend time with your love ones and inspire others.

3. Considering the state of Morrie, would you support him with his statement “Study me in my slow and patient demise. Watch what happens to me. Learn with me.”
-we consider two aspects in this statement, one in medical aspect, and one in social aspect. In medical aspect, we support him with the statement. A.L.S. has no cure as of these days, so to help for the discovery of medication; one should volunteer for the sake of experiment. In social aspect, on the other hand, we strongly support him. In order for an individual to accept his condition, one needs support and understanding with his condition. Morrie is facing death and it needs courage and understanding. And with his advocacy of helping people understand their individual conditions with his philosophy, their goes his statement, that we should learn with him, because his facing death and he’s accepting it. 

4. What if Mitch had not spent time with Morrie, do you think he would change?
-all of us agreed that he would not change, when he got his job, he forget that he should do what would make him happy, to chase his own dream and not the other’s. But Ron rose up an argument that Mitch doesn’t need Morrie to change because if you know what you are doing, then there’s no bad thing about it. Jermaine rebutted that in life, sometimes we needed someone to make us realize that something is wrong and I added up that sometimes, man cannot see that what he’s doing is wrong and would make his life miserable. We need someone to make us see what we cannot see, and that sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel.

5. What if Mitch didn’t become Morrie’s student, do you think Mitch would care about Morrie’s condition just like other people do?
-John said its human nature, people easily get attached and sympathize with people who has very bad condition. But in Mitch’s busy schedule, Elaiza said, he would not make time to watch special show, he even make promise to his wife that he will make it up to her and always hurry for his business trip or for his phone call. As we all know, people are busy with their own business and errands, and so, we ended up with an assumption that Mitch wouldn’t care about Morrie’s condition.

Passage Picker (Hara Vessa Escabarte)
 “Some people walk around with a meaningful life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning” (P. 43)

                This passage in the book strikes me. A simple-sentence-constructed paragraph yet a meaningful one, this passage made me realize how wrong I was in dealing my life, on how wrong my friends are in spending their lives. This made me think how life should be live, how life should be done, I thought making things that makes us happy are the things that should be done, but I was wrong. Indeed, to live life is to do things that give us purpose and meaning it is not about making ourselves happy that may lead us to be a wrong person, happiness doesn’t define us. The main thing that matters the most in this passage is to live life useful and meaningful, and find ourselves to be a more purposed persons.
-Nice passage Har! I just want to add. God made us and gave us life because he has a purpose. Yes we made mistakes in our lives and that made us think that we are wrong in dealing it, maybe “wrong” is just too haharsh to use. Hehe. We do things that can make us happy and that things can make us realize that this is the life we want to have. Maybe we should just think before doing an action so that in the end we cannot say that we are “wrong” in dealing our lives. YOLO so Live Life to the fullest !

Connector(John Salvador Demdam)
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is a story of a student and a professor having not only a teacher-student relationship, but like a father and son as well. Morie, the professor, who gives his views and perceptions towards the issues given by Mitch or Mitchel unto him. This novel actually touched me so much. This was the first novel that made my tears came out while reading some of its passages. This novel remembers me of my father when he was also helpless like Morrie when he was sick and dying. And even now that I'm making this task as connector, again, this gives me flashbacks f those times, and I can't help my tears be stock in my eyes, of course I will not let this fall.
Anyway, I am just so thankful that I have read this novel, and it made me feel not doing the CONNECTOR as a task but, Im doing this, for this talks about some parts of my life. I will connect Tuesdas with Morrie to a poem, amd this poem would be "Death, be not Proud" by John Donne.
Death Be Not Proud Death be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not soe, For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow, Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee. From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures bee, Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow, And soonest our best men with thee doe goe, Rest of their bones, and soules deliverie. Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men, And dost with poyson, warre, and sicknesse dwell, And poppie, or charmes can make us sleepe as well, And better then thy stroake; why swell'st thou then? One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally, And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.
This poem was given to us by one of my teachers in college. We are task to analyze it. Of course at first, I found it difficult for a couple of readings, until I and my classmates discussed it together, and later on, Im getting the point slowly. This poem actually gives us the view of not fearing death at all. Let us not consider death as big deal in the cycle that we are in, and that cycle is "LIFE". It is the misconception of most of the people that we should be feared by death. So this poem, simply depicts that let s not be frightened, for if we experience death when the time comes, it will not happen again. Note the last line of the poem, "And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die." So the connection of the poem in the story is that, Morrie does'nt have any hesitations and questions of facing his death. He knows that he's living his life with a limited time and he make sures of living it to the fullest. That fullest includes of him as an inspiration not only for himself but also to other people. There was this line in the novel, "Mitch, I embrace aging". "It's very simple, as you grow, you learn more... Aging is not just decay, you know, its growth." Morrie is underatanding that he is going to die, and by it, he live a better life. It was just one of Morrie's positive outlooks he protrayed in the novel. Let me just say this, "The process of learning never stops as we are in the process of living." Morrie was just a living manifestation of living your life fruitfully even if when you are in the darkest phase of it.

-Good connection John! I also thought of that poem while reading the novel. I love that Poem actually! ;) GoodJob!

Character Captain (Jermaine Dela Cruz)
Morrie Schwartz as The Dying Man, The Mentor and The Tailor Retailored
The Dying Man
The persona where the title of the novel was drawn, Morrie has spent most of his life as a professor of sociology at Brandeis University. An excellent teacher, and retires only after he begins to lose control of his body to ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gherig's disease, he realizes that his time is running out, and that he must share his wisdom on the meaning of life with the world before it is too late. He is successful in two ways, through the “Nightline” show with Ted Koppel and through Mitch Albom who later published this novel in his memory. He and Mitch plan for the book during his dying days calling it their "final thesis”.
The Mentor
Morrie’s signature is his ability to draw human spirit and genuine emotion from everyone he befriends. He is able to change Koppel, who is a thick-skinned national celebrity. He even draws tears out of Koppel after they are done filming the last interview for the “Nightline” show. Morrie believes that love and compassion are crucial methods of communication. He is determined to see Mitch return to his caring self that he was in college when in Morrie’s class. In telling Mitch stories of his life experiences and personal beliefs, he teaches him to reject the corrupt mores endorsed by popular culture in favor of his personal, ethical system of values.
The Tailor “Retailored”
He has lived and loved to his fullest extent, and is intent on continuing to do so as he dies. Having always lived as a fiercely independent man, it is difficult for him to rely on others for all of his basic needs, it’s as if he has returned to his childhood and is finally getting the love and compassion he so longed for as a young boy.  In his childhood, he has been deprived of love and attention, and now that he is once again reliant on others as he was in his infancy, he thrives on the love and physical affection provided by his friends and family.
Mitch Albom as The Dreamer, The Student and The Redeemed
The Dreamer
Mitch is a sports writer who has surrendered his dreams of becoming a musician. He works most days and nights dedicating little time to himself or his wife. When the union for the Detroit newspaper goes on strike, he finds himself for the first time, without steady work or paycheck. Upon learning of the strike, he grows increasingly frustrated by the career and life decisions he has made, and experiences a life-altering epiphany in which he realizes that he needs to change.
The Student
Despite the uneasiness he has felt, he visits the sick Morrie and through his meetings with him, he realizes that he must change this life in which he thought he was happy. He wants another chance to reassess his values and priorities so that he can create a fulfilling life for himself before it is too late.
The Redeemed
Mitch feels so thankful to have had Morrie in his life; for he has helped bring value and purpose into Mitch’s life. Through the plot Mitch wishes to express how Morrie has changed his life, through these Tuesday lessons express his teachings and values to the world and he was able to do that through his novel.

-Nice Characterezation bai!

Vocabulary (Ronald Surilla)

Tuesday with Morrie (Vocabulary Words)

biopsy (pg.7) “Finally, when nothing could be found, one doctor ordered a muscle biopsy, taking a small piece out of Morrie’s calf.”
- an examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the presence, cause, or extent of a disease. (n)
deferments (pg.10) “Morrie gave all his male students A’s to help them keep their student deferments.”
- the action or fact of putting something off to a later time; postponement. (n)
aphorism (pg.18) “After a while, he had more than fifty of these “aphorisms,” which he shared with his friends.”
- a pithy observation that contains a general truth, such as, “if it ain't broke, don't fix it.” (n)
atrophied (pg.48) “They were loose because his legs had atrophied beyond normal clothing size”
- (of body tissue or an organ) waste away, typically due to the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution. (n)
opiate  (pg.67) “I begin a year-long project on how football in America has become ritualistic, almost a religion, an opiate for the masses.”
- relating to, resembling, or containing opium. (adj.)
communal (pg.74) “After their mother’s death, the two boys were sent off to a small hotel in the Connecticut woods where several families shared a large cabin and a communal kitchen.”
- shared by all members of a community; for common use. (adj.)
agnostic (pg.81) “He was born Jewish, but became an agnostic when he was a teenager, partly because of all that had happened to him as a child.”
- a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. (n)
teeming (pg.90) “Boston was teeming with students, double-parked on side streets, unloading trunks.”
- be full of or swarming with. (v)
lavalier (pg.90) “need to remind Morrie of his dwindling time. For our taped conversations, we had switched from handheld microphones—because it was too difficult now for Morrie to hold anything that long—to the lavaliere kind popular with TV newspeople.”
- a small microphone hung around the neck of the user. (n)
lilting (pg.100) “Charlotte, a beautiful gray-haired woman who spoke in a lilting voice.”
- speak, sing, or sound with a lilt. (v)
mogul (pg.123) “The quote was from Ted Turner, the billionaire media mogul, founder of CNN, who had been lamenting his inability to snatch up the CBS network in a corporate megadeal.”
- an important or powerful person, especially in the motion picture or media industry. (n)
inconsequential (pg.127) “Because I worked among rich and famous athletes, I convinced myself that my needs were realistic, my greed inconsequential compared to theirs.”
- not important or significant. (adj.)
stagnated (pg.130) “Back in Detroit, the labor war had stagnated, with each side accusing the other of failing to communicate.”
- cease developing; become inactive or dull. (v)
whimsical (pg.165) “Even in bronze, he had a whimsical look, and I thought this friend had sculpted a little spirit as well.”
- playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way. (adj.)
alabaster (pg.152) “Yeah, I joked as I rapped my fist against the alabaster skin of his back.
- a fine-grained, translucent form of gypsum, typically white, often carved into ornaments. (n)

-goodjob Ron. Sometimes i get confused with the words. Thanks for the vocab!

Author’s Purpose:

 For me the author’s purpose in using these words is to make more vivid description in themessage he is trying to convey. Through these words he can able to communicate with his readers using exact and precise words in the book.
Summarizer (Ryan Mark L. Catanio)
Mitch Albom wrote this novel in memory of his most beloved college professor, Morrie Schwartz.This story is about "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."(p.52).At the beginning of the novel, Mitch is in the house of his old professor to take his class about The Meaning of Life, every Tuesday. He said that it was his professor’s last class, where he is the only student.
Mitch recalls his memory from his graduation day of his college life. He gave his professor a present: tan briefcase with his professor initial on front. They hug and say goodbye to each other and when Mitch sees that Morrie is crying, he promise that he will stay in touch with Morrie. But Mitch broke his promise.
Morrie has since been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, this cause him to lose and give-up his dancing, swimming and even privacy.
Mitch, sixteen years after his graduation has become a frustrated musician. Later on, his uncle died out of pancreatic cancer, which gives him a way to realized that his life has just become a waste. Mitch abandons his failing career as a musician to become a well-paid journalist for a Detroit newspaper. He marries Janice, and promise her to that they will have children eventually, though he spends all of his time at work, away on reporting assignments. One night, while he is watching the television he recognized Morrie’s voice being interviewed with Ted Koppel (British American broadcast journalist, best known as the anchor for Nightline).  Mitch is stunned to see his former professor on television.
Following Morrie's television appearance, Mitch travel from his home to his old professor’s home. When Mitch drives up to Morrie's house, he delays greeting his professor because he is speaking on the phone with his producer, a decision he later regrets. They greet and have talks. Mitch promise to come back again, and thought to himself that he will never break his promise again.
Shortly after his reunion with Morrie, Mitch works himself heavily of reporting on the Wimbledon tennis tournament in London. There, he spends much time thinking about Morrie and forfeits reading the tabloids, as he now seeks more meaning in his life and knows that he will not gain this meaning from reading about celebrities and gossip. He is knocked over by a swarm of reporters chasing celebrities Andre Agassi and Brooke Shields, and it is then that Mitch realizes he is chasing after the wrong thing. When he returns to his home, Mitch learns that the article he has worked so hard to write will not even be published, as the union he belongs to is striking against the newspaper he works for. Once more, Mitch travels to Boston to visit Morrie.
Now, Mitch is taking a class to Morrie every Tuesday. 
The first Tuesday they talk about “The World”. They discuss a bit of news going on in the world and Morrie cries. Morrie tells him how he cries about things that are going on across the world because he feels close to the people who are suffering. Morrie recalls his memory about his college classes where Mitch is one of his students. Morrie enters the room and is silent for about fifteen minutes. The students become uncomfortable which leads into a discussion regarding silence.  Mitch is not bothered by the silence and while he is walking out of Morrie's class, Morrie stops him and tells him that he reminds him of himself.
The second Tuesday they talk about “being sorry for yourself”. Mitch asks Morrie if he feels sorry for himself. His response is, “sometimes, in the mornings,” he says, “thats when I mourn. I feel around my body, I move my fingers and my hands-whatever I can still move- and I mourn what I've lost”.  Mitch is amazed how Morrie thinks he is lucky to know he is dying because he has so much time to say goodbye. Mitch offers to lift him into the chair, and later realizes that their time together is running out. Mitch thinks back to a specific class with Morrie during his junior year in college. Morrie had each student to fall backwards in trust that their assigned partners would catch them. Only one student completes the trust exercise correctly. Mitch.
The third Tuesday they talk about “regrets”. Mitch brings a tape recorder to Morrie’s in order to remember their discussions. They discuss regrets and how people don’t think about what they really want from life:  “the culture doesn't encourage you to think about such things until you're about to die”. Morrie tells him, to ask anything. So, on the plane ride home that day, he makes a list of all of the questions he had for Morrie.
Koppel visit Morrie again for another interview. With his interview, Morrie revealed his childhood. In his childhood, Morrie had been very poor. His father, Charlie had been cold and dispassionate, and had neglected to provide for Morrie and his younger brother emotionally and financially. At the age of eight, Morrie must read the telegram that brings news of his mother's death, as he is the only one in his family who can read English. Charlie marries Eva, a kind woman who gives Morrie and his brother the love and affection they need. Eva also instills in Morrie his love of books and his desire for education. However, Charlie insists that Morrie keep his mother's death a secret, as he wants Morrie's younger brother to believe that Eva is his biological mother. This demand to keep his mother's death a secret proves a terrible emotional burden for young Morrie; he keeps the telegram all of his life as proof that his mother had existed. Because he was starved of love and affection during his childhood, Morrie seeks it out in his old age from his family and friends.
The forth Tuesday they talk about “death”. They discuss death and how most people do not believe that they are ever going to die.Morrie asks Mitch that if he could accept the fact that he could die at any time, would he still work as much as he does.  Morrie feels that if people, in general, were able to believe that they could die at any moment, that they would live their lives differently. Morrie recalls his memory aboutdiscussing Lou Gehrig and his baseball career.
The fifth Tuesday they talk about “family”. Morrie and Mitch discuss family and children.Morrie emphasizes the importance of love, especially love from a family. He says that those people without love are birds without wings. He feels that if he did not have the love and support from his family, that he would have nothing at all.The discussion has led Mitch to think about his younger brother, who move to Europe and got caught of pancreatic cancer. His brother does not want anyone to help with his cancer, which made him angry with. He then recalls a memory of him and his brother sledding when they were children. The sled went in front of a car and the boys jumped off to safety. The two were filled with pride at having just skipped death.
The sixth Tuesday they talk about “emotions”. Mitch goes to Morrie’s house and is surprised to see his wife, Charlotte. He shows her the food he brought for Morrie, but she turns it down, because his husband can’t take those hard-to-swallow foods. They discuss how it is important to fully accept something and then let it go. Morrie says you need to know the emotion you are feeling and realize that it can’t hurt you, it can only help you.
The seventh Tuesday they talk about “fear of aging”. Morrie can no longer take care of himself, which needed him to let other people to take care of him. Instead of being frustrated he is enjoying all the people around him who are helping him and taking care of him. Morrie think that aging in the time to learn more, gain a better understanding of your life and to experience growth. He also teaches Mitch that aging is not something to fear with, except when someone needs to watch you in the bathroom.
The eight Tuesday they talk about “money”. Morrie and Mitch are influenced by a quote from the newspaper and discuss money and power.Morrie explains to Mitch that people use money as a substitute for love because they do not get enough. Morrie tells Mitch that in order to feel satisfied; people should offer to others what they have, whether it is a skill or simply just listening.
The ninth Tuesday they talk about “how love goes on”. Morrie and Albom talk about love. Morrie tells Mitchthat is the love of people around him that keeps him alive.
On the tenth Tuesday they talk about “Marriage”.  Mitch brings his wife, Janine to see Morrie. Janine who has a god voice sings 1930’s song by Ray Noble in front of Morrie. When she finished singing, Mitch noticed tears running down Morrie’s face. He and Morrie then discuss marriage and Morrie shares with him what he has learned through his many years of marriage.He tells Mitch that you must have the same belief in the importance of marriage if the relationship is going to work.
The eleventh Tuesday they talk about “culture”. Morrie tells Mitch about how our culture has wrong ideas, and it is smart not to buy into it.They discuss how our culture has us believe that we must be ideal people, men must be rich and women must be thin. Morrie thinks that people do not see what they could be, how much potential they have. Morri, then recall his memory, once in basketball game at University. The students are chanting to the team, “We’re number one!”, and finally, Morrie is so tired of this he stand up and says, “what’s wrong with being number two?”.
Koppel visits Morrie for the third time. Koppel asks him how bad it is, and Morrie lifted up his hand as far as he could, halfway up his belly, and Koppel understood that this was as much as he could move.  Morrie explains to Koppel that once he can no longer be responsive to other people, he is no longer living.He also tells Koppel he wants to die serenely.
The twelfth Tuesday Morrie and Micth talk about “forgiveness”. Morrie says to forgive yourself before you die, then forgive others. Morrie tells him that if he could have had another son, he would have liked it to be Mitch. The convesayion flashes back when Morrie found the place in which he would like to be buried. It is on a hill beneath a tree and overlooking a pond. He hopes that Albom will come visit him and tell him all his problems.
The thirteenth day they talk about “perfect day”. Morrie describes the perfect day as a simple day of being with friends and dancing. They then discuss Mitch’s sick brother who he has been trying to reach for weeks. Mitch cannot understand how his brother wants to be left alone during this time. Morrie tells him that he will eventually find a way back to his brother just as he found him. He says that death is the end, but not relationships.
On the last Tuesday, Morrie and Mitch says goodbye to each other. Charlotte had called Mitch to tell him that Morrie was not doing well but he still wanted to see him. When Mitch arrived, Morrie was still asleep and now just lying in his bed. Mitch thought of one of Morrie's idea, “when you're in bed, you're dead”, and tried to push the thought away. Morrie could barely talk, he was having tons of trouble breathing and Mitch knows Morrie's last days are here. He was very weak; he told Mitch that he was not doing well, and that he loved him. Mitch kissed Morrie, longer than usual, and finally began to cry.
Charlotte had called Albom to tell him that Morrie was not doing well but he still wanted to see him. When Albom arrived, Morrie was still asleep and now bed ridden. Albom thought of one of Morrie's aphorism, “when you're in bed, you're dead”, and tried to push the thought away. Morrie could barely talk, he was having tons of trouble breathing and Albom knows Morrie's last days are here. He was very weak; he told Albom that he was not doing well, and that he loved him. Albom kissed Morrie, longer than usual, and finally began to cry.Albom thought about what Morrie said, “you'll talk, I'll listen”, and talks with Morrie in his head and noted how familiar the conversation felt. He then realized that it was Tuesday.
One of the main things that Morrie taught Mitch was that, "there is no such thing as 'too late' in life". Mitch seemed to take this thought to heart, as he was inspired to contact his sick brother in Spain. Mitch told him that he respected his decision to distance himself, but that he wanted to stay in contact because Mitch loved him. Mitch stated that he had never said such a thing to his brother; it seems  as though by Mitch telling his brother that he loves him, also allowed his brother  to see that it is never too late to regain contact and include his family in his  life.

-Good Summary bru!

THE BOOK EARTHWORM BOOK 3 - If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Passage Picker (Elaiza Tero)
I was assigned to pick a Passage from the novel If I Stay by Gayle Forman and this is the passage I picked.

“Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you.” (Dad to Mia)
This passage was said by Mia’s Dad, when Mia asked her about quitting the band and chose to be a Father. 
In the first phrase “sometimes you make choices in life”, for me it means that in our life we need to choose between two or more things, and when we choose, we should think for it a hundred times and in the end we should choose what it is right. The second phrase “Sometimes choices make you” , we always  make choices, there’s a possibility that when we make choices, it can change our life or it can change our personality. Just like what Mia’s Dad did, he chose to quit the band and to be a father, a good and admirable father to Mia and her brother, the time he chose to be a father, is also the time he realized that being a father is different from being a band artist, because there’s a lot of responsibilities and duties to be made. In addition, I’ve read an article about decision making (choosing between two things) it was said there that “choices are especially important, hard, or have dramatic (possibly unexpected) results.” For example you are given two choices whether to be a criminal or to go to school and study, if we choose to be a criminal, that would result us to be a bad person, but if we choose to go to school and study, maybe someday, in the future, we’ll become a good person. So it’s always our choices that make us. So make your right choices!

 Literary Circle #3 If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Discussion Director (Hara Vessa Escabarte)
1.    In reading this novel, how would you describe Mia’s situation? If this happens to you, how would you stand from it?
The group united to conclude that Mia’s situation is a tragedy, and this because to lose your family is like facing tragedy, and if this happens to us, it would be so hard to face life, it takes time in moving on.
2.    What do you think Adam's great influence to Mia? What are his capabilities in making Mia stay?
My group and I answered that Adams influence to Mia is his love, his love is indeed a great motivation and a wonderful reason for making Mia to stay, and he is the only thing that Mia has.
3.    If you are Mia are you going to stay or not? If you are going to stay, how would you face life without your family?

Majority of the group has this answer:
I will stay, if God wanted me to die, maybe he would not let me in coma, that’s why I would choose to stay. The very moment that I was in coma is the very moment that God given me the chance to stay alive, it is just the matter of choosing wise and analyzing God’s purpose.

4.    For you as a reader, what is your opinion unto Mia’s situation? How would she overcome that tragedy? How would she live herself without his family?
For us as a group, telling Mia to stay will be a wise opinion, she’s still having the reason to live her life, Adam is still there for her, and playing music will help her overcome from it. Make her lost (lost of her family) as her inspiration.
5.    In life we are given the chance to choose from options whether to live or not. The question is what are the bases to conclude that her decision to stay is the right thing to do?
·         God’s purpose
·         For Adam, for their Love
·         For her career as a musician
·         For herself and family
The group stated the above bullet forms as the bases to conclude that Mia’s decision to stay is the right thing to do. She has lots of reasons to stay.

Connector (Jermaine dela Cruz)

"Say Something"

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something...

I have chosen to connect A Great Big World’s song to If I Stay because the song is perfect to Mia’s situation.
I think of this song meaning in two different ways.
·         The first one could be a friend/family member who is about to pass away. You've done everything you can to keep them here, with you, and it's just gotten worse. You've lost all hope. It's been so long and such a hard battle, your starting to "give up" on them. You're to the point where you are begging them to "say something", to give them a sign that they are still here, and with you... even though you know they aren't.

In the hospital scene, Adam has talked to the unconscious Mia saying:
“If you stay, I'll do whatever you want. I'll quit the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I'll do that, too. I was talking to Liz and she said maybe coming back to your old life would be too painful, that maybe it'd be easier for you to erase us. And that would suck, but I'd do it. I can lose you like that if I don't lose you today. I'll let you go. If you stay.”- Adam
·         Another way, could be about love. You are trying harder than you should in a relationship, and you aren't sure if you even want this. You don't have a sign whether you should actually try or just give up. You want them to "say something" to know if it will work out or not. You feel obligated to stay because you've tried so long and hard to fit their needs, and they just aren't satisfied (I'm sorry I couldn't get to you)".

“I'm not sure this is a world I belong in anymore. I'm not sure that I want to wake up.” –Mia
-          Good Job Jerm! It’s very good that you connected the novel to that song. Actually when I am reading that book, I always play that song. (Huhu the feeeelllsss)

Character Captain (John Salvador Demdam)

If I Stay is a story of a girl named Mia who had an accident with her family, where both of her parents died including her little brother. She was in comatose and she have to decide wether to just quit or to go forward. I was assigned to be the Character Captain of this novel.
Mia Hall - is the narrator of the book and she is the main character. Mia has brown eyes and brunette hair which is unlike to her father and mother. She is just a simple girl, she's not very outgoing. She is quiet and serious most of the time. Her parents love different kinds of music like rock, which is unlike to her as she loves classic music. She is a cellist. One day, her family had an accident where her mother and father died, including her younger brother, Teddy. Mia was in comatose and had a 50-50. She was spirtiually alive and she have to decide wether she wants to give up or fight.
Adam Wilde - is Mia's boyfriend. Adam is also musically inclined specifically rock like Mia's parents. Adam appreciates music in many ways. He is a main vocalist of a rock band where he also plays guitar and drums. He is skinny and tall where he wears skinny jeans and a messy hair do, he really looks like a typical "Rock Star". Adam is one of the most important person in Mia's life, because he supports her and he is the one who gives her strength and encourages her in a lots of ways, especially in music.
Kim Schein - is Mia's bestfriend who also plays an important role in Mia's life. Kim is like Mia, she s serious most of the time. She has a lot of common personalities with Mia, that is why they were close to each other and became best friends. Kim is a Jewish and as dark long hair. She was raised in a strict family. Inspite of it, Kim was still outspoken and straight forward as she expressed herself and gave her opinions to other. She was so helpful especially when Mia has a lot of problems with Mia's insecureness and when the time that Mia was uncertain to continue to play cello.
Well, I just want to say something about Mia's dilemma wether to live or die. Ofcourse she got her spirit back to her body because of Adam who put the earphones to Mia with a cello music, and that is the power of love. But I will not focus on what love Adam have for Mia. Let's go back to the question: "to live or die?". Definitely, it would be an opportunity and a blessing to live life. Wether who you are and whatever circumstances you are in at this very moment, to die is definitely not a choice. This life was given to us, is for our own benefit as well. The thing in the minds of the people is that, we could actually see more those bad things that happens in our life, because if we just count all the blessings we are experiencing up to this very moment that we are breathing, it is obviously uncountable. That is what we should think of. Let's take those instances, problems and trials as a God's plan, a plan that makes us be a better person who have now a better perspective and outlook in life and not a plan that God made for us to suffer. So I just wanted to point out here, that life is a precious gift that we should handle and take care of. It is where we will experience the ups and downs where give us the excitement that keeps us going on. So, choose LIFE and LIVE IT WELL.

-          Good character analysis John! J

Artistic Adventurer (Arjun Dango)

-          Good picture Aj!

Vocabulary (Ryan Mark L. Catanio)
·         All definition below is based on Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online.

1. Sartorial(adjective)
Definition: of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes; broadly:  of or relating to clothes.
Synonyms: stylistic, elegant, sharp, flashy
Line: "He started smoking one recently as part of this whole 1950s, Father Knows Best retro kick he is on.He also wears bow ties. I am never quite clear on weather all this is sartorial orsardonic."Page 4
Author’s purpose: In my opinion, the author used the word “sartorial” to described Mia’s father, as old fashioned, yet stylized and elegance characteristic.

2. Sardonic(adjective)
Definition: grimly mocking or cynical.
Synonyms: satirical, sarcastic, ironic
Line: "He started smoking one recently as part of this whole 1950s, Father Knows Best retro kick he is on.He also wears bow ties. I am never quite clear on weather all this is sartorial orsardonic."Page 4
Author’s purpose: It’s 2009 (the year of the first publication) and Mia is living in modern generation. It might be that the author used the word “sardonic” (mocking the old fashion) to the idea thatcontradicts to the word “sartorial” (stylized old fashion); to describe Mia’s contradicting ideas, toward her father’s wear. Mia thinks that her father is fashionable to his 1950’s lifestyle or too old for that, because its 2009 already.
·         The two words “sartorial” and “sardonic”are both remarkable. It is because, both words initially started with “sar-” and both are used in the right situation.

Definition: to persuade someone to do something or to give you something by making promises or saying nice things
Synonyms: blandish, blarney, coax, palaver, soft-soap, sweet-talk
Line: “He’d stubbornly refused to get a license for years, insisting on riding his bike everywhere……She’d pestered, cajoled, and sometimes yelled at Dad to get a license, but he’d insisted that he preferred pedal power.” Page 12
Author’s purpose: The author want to emphasized Mia’s father’s “stubbornly refused to get a license for years”. Based on what I have understand, the word cajoled/cajole is used in an important event, when someone is not doing the things that he/she must have done a long time before  the actual event (Mia’s father is driving without a license).
·         What gives me an attention to notice this word is the diphthong /ou/ in “-joule”, plus, the fact that I did not know what it is. :D

4. Avowed(adjective)
Definition: that has been deeplyacknowledged; declared.
Synonyms:declared, open, admitted, acknowledged, confessed, professed, self-proclaimed
Line:“Kerry the avowed left-winger who decided to protest the Iraq war by getting a bunch of guys to dress up in drag and go down to the local army recruiting office to enlist.” Page 173
Author’s purpose:The “avowed” word was used rather than “acknowledge” to precisely described Kerry’s fame from being “left-winger”. Left-winger are those politics are political positions or activities that accept or support social equality. Avowed is rather used to put a remark on Kerry the achievement.
5. Visceral (adjective)
Definition: coming from strong emotions and not from logic or reason medical:relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect:of or relating to the viscera.
·         viscera – a plural form of viscus; an internal organ.
Synonyms:instinctive, instinctual, gut, deep-down, deep-seated, deep-rooted, inward
Line: “But sometimes the memories feel so real, so visceral, so personal, that I confuse them with my own.” Page 222
Author’s purpose:Based on my assumption, the author used the metaphorical word “visceral” to inflict a great emotion to the whole plot of the story, where at the end; she did not know whether that memories are real or not. The word is metaphorical, because it describes Mia’s emotions toward her lost memory when she became a celestial being. The author wants the readers the feel that deep inside of Mia, that memories are instinctively real.
·         For me, this word is my “favorite” throughout the whole story, because I can feel the same drama that Mia is feeling in this particular line.  As if, I am Mia.

-          Good Job Ray! Hahaha.

Summarizer (Ronald Surilla)
If I stay (Summary)

Mia was a 17 year old gifted cellist wakes up on a snowy morning, as her family are celebrating the holiday. She is planning to go to his boyfriend’s concert (Adam) but also  wants to practice cello with a pianist. Her talents in playing the cello gave her an opportunity to enroll at Julliard, a prestigious music school in the country.

Her family decided for a road trip. They intended to visit old family friends, to stop at a book shop and then to stop over and have dinner with Mia’s grandparents. Suddenly their car was involved in an accident. After few moments  Mia found herself okay and  standing near the wrecked car. She found her dad and mom dead in the collision and  she was desperately looking for her brother Teddy. She hears that someone is calling her name in the scene of the incident. Then she saw her own body in terrible condition, badly injured in the incident.

Mia was shock at seeing her own body and wonders if she was dead also. An ambulance arrives and the paramedics attended her body and was rushed inside the ambulance. Mia, in spiritual form got inside the ambulance to follow his body and heard the paramedic reports that her parents are dead. Her body was transported in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. While at the hospital, Mia recollected her thoughts and reminiscing her past memories with her family, Kim( her best friend) and Adam. At the end of the story Mia woke up from a coma.