Monday, December 30, 2013

Reaction Paper for the movie "ABAKADA INA"


Estella is the main character of the movie ABAKADA INA. She and her family lives in a farm. Estella didn’t finish her studies because of poverty and discouragement. When she grew up he marries Daniel. Daniel is working far away from his family, he works in a Shipping Industry and hoping to pass the exam so he’ll go and proceed to his degree. He left his family to his mother. When Daniel went home Estella requested to him to have their own living and house so they’ve decided to move to manila with their daughters. At first they were culture-shocked because the way they live in the farm is very different in the place where they move. So they’ve adjusted and make things work. And their living, problems are there. Sometimes they face financial problems and health problems, but still Estella didn’t even give up. Estella met a friend named Amy, it helps her realized how education is important. And Estella also make Amy realize the feeling of being true to yourself. There are times that situation became wore so they ended up on going back to the farm and there continue what they’ve started. There was this time that Estella and Daniel relationship got worse and plan to end it up. But the love of a mother to his daughter and husband made their relationship continue. Daniel planned to continue what really he wants to do in his life and Estella took care of her daughters and guide them. Estella also help herself to learn how to read and write so that she and her husband has their communication. And after that they were blessed and given another child and it was now a boy. Estella and her family improve their life and they live happily.

 They say education is the key to success. This would help you to achieve your goals and have a better life. As I finished watching the movie ABAKADA INA, I realized that even if you’re unschooled you can have a better life if you just think what really is right. I also salute Estella for being a strong and tough Mother to her children. Even if she is illiterate she still became a good example to her daughters and taught them good manners. She also became tough because even if she and Daniel came to the point of separating, she proves to Daniel that she could make it. I also salute her because she’s good enough to think that education really is important to us. I bet Estella for being such a wonderfull Mother and Wife. She is a good example of a woman that has proven that learning not only stop after getting a diploma. Learning is a life time work. And everybody should not stop learning.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Reading Log #2 : A Cool Head

A Cool Head by Ian Rankin                                                                                                   December 27,2013

Part 1
After reading this novel I felt that Benjy was very lucky to have a friend like Gravy. Even though Gravy sometimes commits mistakes, but still Gravy can keep secret for him.  I also salute gravy for his attitude, I guess Gravy already know that Benjy his friend was doing something suspicious. And even if he already knew it Gravy’s feelings toward Benjy never changed. I also praise Gravy because even though he was treated like a slave he always lowers his pride. And because of that I realized that even if some people are unschooled or uneducated they still have manners.

When I was in High School until now, I have this friend of mine named Jhoi, who I shared my secrets and feelings. I can say that there is an attitude of Gravy parallel to Jhoi. She always keeps my secrets and sometimes important things. There are times that I and Jhoi fight, not literally a fight,just a
sort of misunderstanding and we end up on not getting in touch to each other. But despite of that misunderstandings she still keeps my secrets. I could that she really is my friend.

I wonder why Stewart Renshaw wants his money back, that in first place he has his casino and business. And I also wonder why did Benjy steal the money? What’s the purpose? I also wonder why did he let Gravy hide the gun instead of the money. Did Benjy had any connection with Celine Watts? What will happen to Gravy when Celine gets back? Is he still going to hide the CD’S given by Celine?

I think Celine is going to show up and be with Gravy. I guess when she gets back she will explain all those things that happened, her intensions and plans. Maybe she and Gravy is going to continue what they’ve started. And I guess there will be no more Casinos for the Renshaws.

Part 2
Entry #10

My favorite part is when Gravy found a piece of paper inside the car used by Benjy and when he opens the paper, he saw a name of a woman, Celine Watts and her address. So Gravy was puzzled and get confused and instead of wasting time to cry over Benjy’s dead body she drove to the said address and find the woman named Celine.When she got there, someone paid to his attention and that was Celine. Gravy thought that the woman infront of him was able to answer his questions and explain what really is happening.But when he asked Celine if she knew Benjy the woman nodded and said that he didn’t know someone whos name is Benjy. When she look at the car she saw a bag, Gravy let her see what’s inside the bag and when she saw it was a money she smiled an evil smile.Gravy didn’t mind the money, but instead the other bag which Benjy let him to hide. Celine told Gravy that the money in bag is her’s and it was sent to her for her holidays. So Gravy never hesitated to give the money. She was suspicious but when he said again to Gravy that Benjy is her pal, it comforts Gravy. Celine let Gravy to drove her in Edinburgh. So he did. They stopped in one of the luxurious hotels in Edinburgh. Celine wants Gravy to stay in the hotel but in a separate room. Gravy agreed. They spent two or more days in the hotel, Nothing happened because they aren’t couples. So when the day come that Celine is going to move in London, she actually going to left Gravy, she bought a CD which was covered or the songs are owned by Celine Deon. She said that it is the only way Gravy can remember her. Celine kissed Gravy and Gravy love it.
When I’m going to predict I guess Celine is going to show up and be with Gravy. Gravy will surely like that and when she comes back. Everything will now be clear to Gravy, the death, the money in the one bag, and the Baklava and a gun in the other. I guess She will explain to Gravy what happened what the relation between her and Benjy.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reading Log #1 : Life As We Knew It

Life As We Knew It By Susan Beth Pfeffer                                                                            December 1, 2013

Part 1
After reading this novel I felt that Miranda is a brave, strong and tough young woman. In the novel, she really proved to me that everything that we thought is impossible to happen can be possible if we try. I think Miranda is matured enough to think what to do when things gets worst and also she already know how to manage everything so her family can survive.

Life is like a wheel...always turning, always evolving. Sometimes you fall down, sometimes you deflate, but you always manage to keep going, supporting others, and staying strong. Some journeys are longer than others. Some are bumpier than others. But the load of life is a lot easier to bear with a few friends helping out. My family is not as rich as that and not as poor as that. I don’t know if “running out of food” is really happening in normal life but I guess it really is happening for the poor one’s who can’t afford to eat three times a day. There was a time when my father was not able to send us money and for that reason Mom was also not able to buy groceries or I say food for us. She borrowed money from my Aunt and that money is not enough for a one month supply. So what my Mom did was she skips her breakfast and sometimes she only eat at brunch so she’ll be able to save food for us.  I can connect this story of mine to some part of this novel where Miranda’s Mom skips and sometimes not eating her part just to make sure her kids will not starve and also to save food for the coming days. And because of that I was touched and I realized that there’s no such thing as Mother’s love to her children or there’s no other thing you can compare to a Mothers love.

I was wondering why Miranda’s Mom and Dad separated, why actually their family is not fighting? I’m also thinking why his father did came at the point of bringing his mistress into their house? I also couldn’t figure out why at the last part or in the end, Dan did not showed up to Miranda? I’m also wondering what will happen to Miranda’s family after experiencing all those mind blowing catastrophic phenomenon?

After a long time of suffering this catastrophic phenomenon, I guess Miranda and her family would able to recover and live that there’s nothing bad happened. I also think that after Lisa gave birth to her baby they will move to Miranda’s house and show to them the baby. And last I guess after all what had happened, someday Miranda and Dan will see each other again and continue the relationship they’ve started.

Part 2
Entry #9
“Anyone can be a hero, if they just choose to be.” ~ Matt
Matt in the novel is one of my favorite characters. Like Miranda, Matt is also brave and a strong character, and with his attitude, he helps his family specially Miranda to stay strong and never think to give up. He’s the one who always cheers up when someone is feeling quitting and with his words you’ll be totally inspired. I was inspired and amazed by one of his advice to Miranda saying, “Anyone can be a hero, if they just choose to be.”It is so meaningful to me it made me realize that even though I am only a normal being just like others, sometimes weak, sometimes commits mistakes but despite of my flaws , |I can be a hero  to everybody, not literally a hero who have a super powers and can fly to save the world, it’s hero that would save lives by encouraging not to give up easily and there’s no impossible when you just think positive. Like Miranda, there were times that she doesn’t know what to do with his family, all suffering from such disease, but Miranda became a hero, she took care of her Mother and Brothers, fed them, let them drink their medicines and guard them. And with that little things Miranda is a hero for her family.